About Us
The Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy® (JAFC) is the endorsing agency and canonical residence for professional chaplains within the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), and other participating Anglican bodies. We are the JAFC Women: wives, deacons, religious sisters, lay chaplains, and friends of Anglican Chaplains.®

Our Story

Because our Jurisdiction is spread around the world, and our chaplains work in fields as varied as the military, healthcare, community, and corporations, we felt the Holy Spirit calling us to care for the women of the JAFC in a way that would allow us to connect, equip, and encourage women in Christ through the Anglican Tradition.
Mrs. Connie Jones, our Bishop's wife, began JAFC Women in 2022 at the JAFC Convocation in Nashota, Wisconsin. Through prayer, devotion to Holy Scripture, and in the Anglican Tradition we now exist to connect, equip, and encourage women across the Jurisdiction as we grow together in our faith in Christ.